As a good corporate citizen, the Taiho Group is committed to respecting human rights and complying with laws and regulations and also aims to contribute to the development of local communities through our business activities and social contribution activities. In order to build a foundation to this end, we seek to maintain and improve the workplace environment where a diverse group of employees can expect to work safely and comfortably in order to play a productive role and, out of respect for employees who are proactively taking on the challenge of making meaningful changes in their daily work, are working to establish mechanisms and an organizational climate to allow everyone to believe that this challenge can be met as a matter of course.
Commitment to respect human rights
To remain a company trusted by society, we provide guidelines for "acting with integrity based on social norms," which each Taiho employee should follow daily. We are committed to building a corporate culture that never tolerates human rights violations, such as "forced labor," "child labor," "insufficient or unpaid wages," "excessive or unfair working hours," "power harassment," "sexual harassment," "violations of foreign workers' rights," and "discrimination."
Human resources strategy
We actively highlight the challenges undertaken by mid-level and younger employees, and by praising their fearless attitude towards these challenges, we inspire a desire for future challenges, thereby contributing to the vitality of the company.
Case study of Initiatives
Strengthening communication focused on career development
To cultivate employees who can reflect on their own careers, shift their mindset, and act with responsibility, we have changed the theme of regular meetings with supervisors from "work management" to "career development" starting in the fiscal year 2024.
Candid discussions between labor and management
In October 2023, a dialogue was held between labor and management to create a work environment where employees can work with a greater sense of purpose. To better capture the opinions of each employee and encourage active discussions, the meeting format was changed from the traditional table-based format to a roundtable discussion style and a format where discussions are held on-site at the factory to directly observe and address issues. Moving forward, labor and management will continue to engage in candid discussions on future challenges and work towards early resolution.
Human resource development
"Skill-up program" to support the workplace
The Skill-Up Program is a system designed to formalize and pass on specific technologies, skills, and principles, rather than relying on experience and intuition. This system fosters a culture of "teaching and being taught" and plays a key role in "people development," where seniors pass on their skills to juniors and the next generation. In the fiscal year 2023, we have focused on "activating OJT (On-the-Job Training)" and are working to build an independent training system at each plant.
Work-life balance
Key initiatives for the provision of support for a work-life balance
We have developed a system to enable each and every employee to think about striking a work-life balance and choose how he or she wishes to work accordingly.