
We established the Taiho Kogyo Trigology Research Foundation (TTRF) in October 2000 out of a sense of gratitude for the support we have been given by many figures of authority in the field of tribology since our founding. Accordingly, we support research and development work on tribology around the world and promote educational initiatives on and contribute to the growth of this concept.

Contents of activities

  • Providing grants for research and development work on tribology
  • Providing grants for research presentations and symposiums on tribology as held by research organizations
  • Conferring awards for commendable research or development results pertaining to tribology
  • Gathering and providing updated information on research activities in the area of tribology, including lists of researchers, their fields of specialty, and the papers they have presented

Record of research grants provided

Number of research grants provided and research results

(As of March 2023)