
Use of the website of Taiho Kogyo Co., Ltd.

The official website of Taiho Kogyo Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”) (http://www.taihonet.co.jp/) is operated by the Company or a representative thereof. This Website shall only be used if you carefully read and accordingly agree to the terms and conditions of use as set forth below.

These terms and conditions of use are subject to change without notice. Any such change shall take effect upon being posted to this Website. Check the latest terms and conditions of use each time you use this Website. This Website includes parts that are separately run by different sections of the Company. Links are also provided to other websites operated by the Company. Note that, when using such parts and websites, you will also need to agree to any terms and conditions of use as set forth in such parts and on such websites.

Copyright and trademarks

The content on this Website (including text, diagrams, images, and photographs) is protected by the copyright laws, trademark laws, and other relevant treaties and laws as enacted by different countries. Such content may only be used for certain private non-commercial purposes coming within the scope permitted by laws and regulations and only for viewing by individual Clients and within organizations run by Clients. Provided, however, that use going beyond the foregoing (including the reproduction, transmission, distribution, and transferring of content; same hereinafter) shall require the prior written consent of the Company and shall be subject to the affixing of the Company’s copyright notice to the product of such use. With the exception of the foregoing, this Website does not grant any right based on copyright, patent rights, trademark rights, or other intellectual property rights. Where terms and conditions of use are separately indicated for a piece of content or where a link is provided to content for which terms and conditions of use are separately indicated, such terms and conditions of use shall prevail.


You are prohibited from engaging in any of the following actions when using this Website:

  • An action that infringes or that may infringe the property or privacy of a third party or the Company (including any action that involves the use of personal information on this Website);
  • An action that is detrimental or causes damage or that may be detrimental or cause damage to a third party or the Company;
  • An action that offends or that may offend public order and morals;
  • A criminal act or an action that leads or that may lead to a criminal act;
  • An action by which a false declaration or notification is made, such as by registering or transmitting another person’s electronic mail address or other pieces of personal information;
  • A business activity or other commercial activities or an action carried out for the purpose of preparing for such activity;
  • An action that harms the honor or credibility of the Company or a third party;
  • An action that involves or that may involve the use or provision of a computer virus or other harmful software programs;
  • Any other action that violates or that may violate a law, regulations, or an ordinance;
  • Any other action that is deemed to be improper by the Company.

Documents and the contents thereof

The Company does not provide any guarantee whatsoever with respect to any document on this Website or the contents thereof. The Company shall not be held liable whatsoever for any error in the contents of text on this Website even in the unlikely event that such an error were to occur. Be aware that any matter contained in a document on this Website is subject to change without notice.

Date of posting and the contents thereof

Information on this Website consists of information as constituted at the time of its posting. Be aware that such information is subject to change even after the time of its posting.

Trademarks of other companies

・Adobe and the Adobe logo are trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated.
Other company names and product names are the trade names, trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies. Where a trademark is separately indicated for a piece of content or where a link is provided to content for which a trademark is separately indicated, such information shall prevail.


The Company pays close attention to the contents of information at the time that it is posted to this Website.

However, no guarantee whatsoever of the accuracy, usefulness, certainty, suitability for your purpose of use, or safety (such as by indicating that functions will not be interrupted, that defects will be corrected, or that this Website and the server on which it is hosted are free of computer viruses and other examples of harmful data and programs) of the contents of such information is provided by the Company. The Company shall not be held liable whatsoever for any error in the contents of text on this Website even in the unlikely event that such an error were to occur.

The Company shall not be held liable whatsoever for any damage caused by your use of such information, by your inability to use such Information, or by your use of this Website.

Information on this Website consists of information as constituted at the time of its posting. Be aware that such information is subject to change even after the time of its posting.

The Company shall not be held liable whatsoever for any damage caused by a change made to such information or by the interruption or discontinuation of the operations of this Website irrespective of the applicable reason or circumstances.

Linking to this Website

Any company or individual is permitted to link to this Website provided that the following precautions are accepted.

  1. In principle, a link should be set to the top page of this website (http://www.taihonet.co.jp/).
    If you wish to set a link to a page other than the top page of this website, we ask that you provide us with the address of the page to which you wish to set up a link by electronic mail.
  2. You are asked to contact us again if the contents of the website from which a link originates are significantly changed after the Company has accepted the link.
  3. No logo, mark, or other registered trademark owned by the Company may be used without permission to set a link.
  4. When linking to this Website, expressly indicate that this is the official website of Taiho Kogyo.
  5. Linking from a website coming under any of the following items is strictly prohibited:

    • A website that slanders or libels or that contains contents intended to cause a loss of confidence in the Company or another company (individual) or organization;
    • A website that slanders or libels the Company, an affiliate thereof, or an officer or employee thereof;
    • A website that engages or that may engage in actions infringing or encroaching upon the copyright, trademark, or other intellectual property rights, property, privacy, portrait right, or other rights of the Company or another company (individual) or organization;
    • A website that misleads visitors thereto into incorrectly believing that the operator thereof is partnered or cooperating in some manner with the Company or that the Company acknowledges or supports the website from which a link originates;
    • In addition to the items as set forth above, a website that acts in a way that violates the law, such as a statute, an ordinance, or regulations; that offends public order and morals; or that may impede the operations of this Website;
    • Any other website that is deemed to be inappropriate by the Company.
  6. The Company shall not be held liable whatsoever for any damage caused by linking.

The fact that a link to this Website has been set shall not be construed as an endorsement by the Company of the use of the website from which the link originates or a product, service, or company mentioned thereby or as evidence of a tie-up or other special relationships between the Company and the website from which the link originates.

About links from this website

We do not link from this website to sites other than affiliated companies. Thank you for your understanding.

In addition, the content of third-party websites set up on the website (hereinafter referred to as "linked websites") is managed under their own responsibility and is not under the control of the Company. The Company is not responsible for the content of linked websites or any damages arising from their use.


If you have any questions about our website, please contact us.

This Website has been produced, in principle, with the use of the following technologies.

This Website conforms to the specification for XHTML1.0 as recommended by the W3C.

  • XHTML 1.0
  • CSS2
  • JavaScript

Provided, however, that display errors may arise depending on your operating system or browser or other environmental factors. See below for the environment that is recommended in order to access this Website. You should also verify your JavaScript settings.